Prayer Request

Dear lord things are still kind of rocky with me and David I pray that you please help him change. I love him. But the kind of person he is now is not the guy I fell in love with. I've never had a guy push me or call me names like he has. It hurts. Please father help us get each other bak..please help him to be caring and patient with our little girl. I want a father who will do anything for her and love her please help us father for Aalyiahs sake I pray this in your name Jesus Christ amen.

by cynthia

Pray Pray

14 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I'm praying for you, but know that the Lord wants you in a safe situation. Maybe there is a pastor you can talk to about what's going on that may be able to help.

cheyennemarie | on Jun 29, 2010

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