Prayer Request

Father God please help me,please protect me,and take away this unbearable pain,and rage I have inside. please don't rebuke me or banish me from your presence, and please forgive me for all of my sins
Please don't let my sins be the reason why you won't protect me from my nasty,heartless,and evil mother
Please do not banish me from your presence and also please do not take your Holy Spirit Away From Me.
Father God this lady is trying to provoke me and push me to the point where I could kill her and go to jail for life and that's something that I do not want to do
So she really needs to leave me alone. She is nothing but abully
Who is so out order as a mother and especially as a woman.
I really need you to protect me
From all of her petty comments and childish Behavior. I have not did anything to her .so she has no right to come at me that way
God I will not be bullied into doing anything in that house especially that room I am not buying no pictures no rug and no curtains it's enough that she had the audacity to raise up the money that I give her she's doing everything out of spite for some reason trying to do anything that she can to hurt me but in reality the only person is going to be getting hurt is she, not me you do not take advantage of God's blessings and that is exactly what she's doing. Because I don't have to do anything for her I do it out the kindness of my heart, and she doesn't want to see that I will never ever forgive her for doing this to me because she's going to need me before I need her and we all know it
God deep down inside you do not know how much this lady has hurt me words cannot explain the pain that I feel in my heart this pain is so unbearable for me to even talk about but I need you to take this battle for me and defeat this evil monster God I really need it I feel like I'm dying inside and my heart is exploding.
Father God I do not feel safe I am so scared when I enter that house because I never know if I'm going to get attacked or not and I'm scared that I'm going to do something to really hurt her. So she really need to stop threatening me, I need her to stop being disrespectful and petty towards me, because I have nothing to do on what's going on with her when people are on drugs they blame everybody else but themselves so she needs to blame herself for her mess ups not me
I have nothing to do with her wanting to fix up her so-called house.
I need you to save me from this hell hole so I can finally show her that I don't need her and all for nothing.
I want to be able to rest on my days off and not be bothered with her foolishness and her nastiness.
I really want her conscious to bother her for how she treated me, especially trying to take more money out of my pockets knowing I'm trying to save up my money so I can move out that is why I say she is always money hungry .
Please God do not let her leave me any kind of messages on my phone asking me to buy her cigarettes or can I pick her something up to eat, do not let her leave any kind of notes in my room asking me can she borrow some money and also do not let her come in my room trying to ask me can she borrow some money God please protect me from all of her money-hungry ways and con games,because those days are over.
The only way I can win and all of this is for you to bless me with finding me somewhere else to live place where I can afford please continue to bless me with keeping my car running and working good.
father God please bless me with you making more money or taking on a second job but until the meantime please bless me with keeping her away from me do not let her try to bully me do not let her try to attack me along with her kids especially Travis, he is trying his best to make me snap on him but I'm not going to go down that road and that's the same thing with her please do not let her leave me any kind of Notes in my room talking about what I need to do because I already know, which is leaving this house and getting away from her
Please protect me and Rescue Me cuz I need it
Father god please bless me with Travis stop lying on me and he needs to stop listen to my conversations when I'm on my phone,because everything I sent is the truth,so father god this boy is really stirring the pot and I am not the one to play with,
And do not let that crackhead mother of mine tell me anything else that he has said about me and don't let her believe anything that he said about me because we all know he is the son of the Devil

I cannot battle these people in this house so I need you to be my shield of protection
I need you to keep her from me cuz all she trying to do is steal my joy.
I am so hurt inside this pain is so unbearable and I need you to come and take it away I want you to defeat that lady.
She is trying to kill me along with my stepfather God they want me dead they want me to fall into a trap that I cannot get out of but as long as I have you I know that you would not let me fall into that trap please help me father I need you to answer the special prayer request I need you to hear my call
Please be merciful towards me and answer this special prayer request
In Jesus name amen

by Anonymous

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