Prayer Request

Show me how to have *relationships* with men and not be phobic of them. I shake, feel sick, trembly, sweaty, stutter am embarrassed, and daren't even approach any man. Even a simple conversation is too scary to consider. I feel completely ashamed that I find them terrifying, and could cry over it.
As a child, being told all men are rapists, sex-mad, didn't help; nor attending a girls - only convent school, where the nuns told us to avoid the priests at all costs. *Always put a yellow pages between yourself and a boy when sitting next to each other* they said. Mum said *your dad was abused therefore he'll abuse you* so wouldn't allow me unsupervised contact with him...even so she was uncontrollable with shrieking and shouting whenever I had even brief time with him. Male friends /boyfriends weren't possible, she destroyed it by constantly interfering, behaviour problems and histrionics whenever I spent time with any.

Cure this androphobia Lord. My background conspires against me in this. You are greater than my background Lord. Heal me, cure me of this completely!

by Anonymous

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