Prayer Request
I just shared on here that I fasting and praying for three days. My family is going through some very tough times because of my sins and mistakes. These sins have cost us almost everything including possibly my freedom.
If anyone wants to join this three day prayer and fast for the Glory of God that would be great! There are members of my family and church that are joining. If you can only fast a day or partially for a few days that is a blessing too. If you can only pray I humbly say thank you.
Please do what God is leading you to do. Like in the Book of Esther, her people were spared by the power of God. She had her people pray and fast for three days.
Please pray and fast for the glory of God!
Thank you God for your love, mercy, and grace. Please forgive me of my sins. These things I pray in Jesus name. Amen.
by Saved Pray 4 people prayed for this
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