Prayer Request

Heavenly father, I thank the for my family and the lessons I have learned. Please letmy current trial be over and let my husband come home. I can't make it without him. My heart is so heavy. Though my children give me much joy I don't think u meant for them to be raised with a father who loves them from prison. He has truely learned a lesson being away. The last six months.please let this end before we lose our home also. Please let me find a way to keep us going until then. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

by dansha

Pray Pray

12 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Dansha getin the word and seek Godwith all your heart God desires so desperatly to speak to your heavy heart and give you "direction". Praying you do this and as you do he instructs you does might awesone things on your families life!!! God can do the impossible trust hiM
for he "is" God!!!!

Anonymous | on Apr 19, 2010

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