Dear god I want tonpray for my sister help her to make wise decisions and help her to take care of her self also I want to pray for my mom help her to deal with her stress and help he at work help my dad with his depression and show him how to handle it guide him on the right path hel him stay rational help my brother through school help him to focus and succeed guide him and she him what is important his priorities I'd also like to pray for all those impacted by the war please lay your hands on them and show them the way to your salvation
Lastly I know I ask alot from you and I realize that you can't make all my prayers come true or els e no lesson learned but as much ad younknow already I want to tell you my self I am trying my best to follow your word and influence others too because you live and breathe you make me believe anything is possible and I don't know any other way other than yours I hope I never do I love you in your sons precious name amen