Prayer Request

I pray for my family Lord.... please help me Lord, show me the path that you have for me. Let me stray away from addiction and **** and make me come closer to you. I pray you help my ex see that im a changed man Lord. I pray that you show her that your the only way.I need my family to be together Lord... i pray for the health of my two little angels. And i pray you get me this job that i really need.... In Your Holy name Jesus i pray. Amen.

by Luis H.

Pray Pray

7 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Father God I pray that you open her heart and allow her to want to restore there relationship and family. Father I as that you lead him to the job that you have design for him to take care of his family. FATHER GOD I PRAY THIS IN THE NAME OF YOUR HOLY SON JESUS CHRIST AMEN

needablessing | on Apr 14, 2010

Thank you soooo much for your prayer.... God Bless you and your loved ones.

Luis H. | on Apr 16, 2010

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