Prayer Request

Father God... You know what a rough ride it's been here for me, returning to an abusive childhood home for the sake of aiding my Parents in their time of need...
But I made it through and my Husband is finally at the airport now, on his way to joining me. I'll be picking him up at 3:20pm. This is to be my week of peace and reunion w/ my Husband... And I fully intend to take it easy!!! Finally!! I'll have my shelter... I've been very alone and felt viciously attacked behind these four walls... I've wept bitterly and needed him desperately. He has now witnessed how my spirit is altered in the angry energy in this house. It was a wakeup call for him. He intends to have a talk with my Dad and set some clear boundaries, because he says he cannot allow things to ever be this way again. It was really BAD.
Please Father, guide his conversation that it bears positive fruit... That it will trigger the creation of more respectful and gentler attitudes towards me in this house. I'm just so glad he's coming. I really need my Champion... In retrospect, it wasn't a good idea for me to come for such a long visit here by myself... Despite my good intentions.
Thank you, Father, for seeing me through it safely and intact. I wasn't sure I was going to make it. I Love You and Praise Your Holy Name!!
In Jesus' Victorious Name!! Amen.

by Praying4Victory

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