Prayer Request

My mom told me today that she knows someone who their 6 year old is in the waiting list for a kidney.. he has to have his blood cleaned 3 times a week due to his kidneys malfactioning.. & than she told me "most of us complain about so many little things that we shouldnt even complain about, when out there is real reasons to be sad about..."

Take a look at the life around you, everyone has hardships.. but we shouldnt be so hard on ourselves. Everything gets better in time, lets take a second to thank God for the life he has given us and bless and heal those truly in need.


by Godslove

Pray Pray

7 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer


Anonymous | on Apr 12, 2010

That's a really awesome message. . Thank you and have a great day... LOL not sure what time it is there but It's Monday morning at 3:51am here in Hampton, Georgia. May God bless you and your family!

Brandy in Hampton, Georgia | on Apr 12, 2010

Thank you Brandy! Have a good day darling!

Godslove | on Apr 12, 2010

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