Prayer Request

Father God, its a incredabbly beautiful day, the sun the beautiful sun that you created, is shining its warmth down upon us. Thank you Father for all you have given us in this world to enjoy, our life, our homes, all the glorious colorful flowers, fruits, and vegtables everything we have, its amazing Lord, and im thankful for it all. Lord, i ask that you will bless the families of the coal miners that youve calleed home, give them strength to endure these hard times. Lord be with the families of the president and others leaders of Poland, though their political beliefs differ from our their families are dealing with the same hurt and loss and fears as we do with the loss of ourloved ones. Be with them as their country recovers from this loss of its leaders, Lord have your way here. Father, i pray for a finacial miracle for my bills and the repairs i so desperaly need on our home, please Lord, lead the boys to new jobs soon, im having such a hard time with all their expenses and mine, please help me get my medications . In Jesus name i pray, amen

by begabby

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