Prayer Request

Dear Heavenly Father, i am starting to wonder if i chose the wrong path to quit my job to be a full time wife & mother. Is it satan bringing these doubts and trials? Please Lord if this is your will, let me hear your confirmation in some way. I continuue to trust in you for all things, especially our financial situation & Laurel's behavior & socialization. Please help me to do good in my role of wife & mother. Please help me to good in my Avon buisness so that i contribute financially to our family. Lastly, i pray for our children. Keep Robbie safe from harm as he serves his country. Help Steven & Heather succeed in school. Help Heather be strong in her marriage. Please guide her & give her peace. Please work in Jared that he may overcome his disabilities & see the importance of his need to take care of his family. Most imporantlly, i pray that your love contnues to grow in their hearts & that they dedicate their lives to you. O most precious Savior! In Jesus' name, Amen.

by your humble child Cory

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