Prayer Request

Lord I pray to you because I need help. Give me the strengh I need to go through this hard time I'm going through. I ask that you send your gardian angels sent from your finest. I pray that you lay your powerful hands on my body to heal. I ask that you continue blessing me. Everyone,I need help!! I got raped :'( someone please help me right now!! I am only 11 :(

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

10 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

God will deliver you from evil.. Just lift it all up to Him he will not leave you.. Just trust Jesus and believe that he's always there to rescue from evil doers.. Continue praying for protection.. In jesus mighty name. Amen

Anonymous | on Apr 07, 2010

God plez protect her & give her the comfort she needs. God, plex allow her to heal. In Jesus name. Amen. Hit me up in yhu need to talk.

GOD iS WONDERFUL.! :D iLY.! | on Apr 07, 2010

I do hope u r okay...I'm so sorry for what you have been there family that can help you. I'm praying for u sweetheart. May the lord give u peace. I'm here if u want to talk.

Anonymous | on Apr 07, 2010

Oh my child,u r a baby . Idon't know u but I love u and God love u too. I am crying for u. Please turn to someone who you can trust and let them help you. Where is mama or papa? I pray that someone will comfort you nd from now on u r protected by the hands of God. Thank you for asking for help because God is email is [email hidden from spammers]. Talk to me, please. I am on way to bible study and prayer service and you r on my mind.

cherry | on Apr 07, 2010

Dear Sweet Jesus!!! You are the same age as my daughter. Yes, turn to Christ... He Will Heal your many wounds... But please, please also turn to the Authorites on this earth... Whoever committed this crime against you MUST be brought to justice & made to pay for their sin against God & against you. Child, you are a baby... but you must find the strength to report this person, so that others will not end up suffering the same fate at their hands. Rape is an addiction. Addicts rarely stop their behavior unless they are forced to. God is holding you close to His Heart. His Love Surrounds you. My heart & prayers are with you. Seek Christian counsel to help mend your soul.

Praying4Victory | on Apr 07, 2010

Thank you

God\'s little angel | on Apr 07, 2010

If u leave me your email. I'll write to u. God is listening to our prayers:-) your so young to be suffering through this. I continue to pray for you sweetheart.

Anonymous | on Apr 07, 2010

Ummmmmmmm ok :/ [email hidden from spammers]

Anonymous | on Apr 07, 2010

Please tell a trusted friend or a teacher if you can not tell your parents. It hurts now but GOD will heal the hurt in time. I will keep you close to my heart. Who did this to you and was it the first time. I want you to be safe. I feel so helpless. How can I help?

v.f | on Apr 09, 2010

Ummmmm I feel sick nd sad nd scared nd nervous. This is the first rape I've been in but I been molested twice. Nd it really hurts like really bad. U can help by emailing me at [email hidden from spammers]

God\'s little angel | on Apr 09, 2010

i will email you today. stay strong.

v.f | on Apr 10, 2010

I sent it. Did you get it.

v.f | on Apr 10, 2010

Yes sorry I was sleep :)

God\'s little angel | on Apr 10, 2010

I was thinking about you. How are you doing

v.f | on Apr 16, 2010

I'm fine it was my bday yesterday but I'm fine

God\'s little angel | on Apr 16, 2010

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