Prayer Request

Hear my words but feel my heart father I want to be a better woman and mother. Even though im having a hard time adjusting each day is an improvement. I need you lord EVEN ME! I've decided to follow you and through you my situation can be fixed. So today ive changed focusing more of my energy on doing whats best for my daughter, cause if im doing whats best for her it will be best for me

by new mother of 1

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Comments on this Prayer

Awww... How old is your little one? I have a daughter too... She is nearing 12 now, but she is my only & when she was born I was in the midst of a separation from an abusive drug-addicted husband. It was a painful time & all I wanted was to do right by her. I suffered extreme post-partum depression, which made matters even more difficult. Yet I am here to say I'm an overcomer today, victorious in Christ Jesus.
Just keep your focus on your baby girl... Just as your doing already... God sent you a precious Gift of Love in her. Relax into it & surrender to the simple joys in it. If you find yourself frantic, look into the peace on that precious little Darling's face... Take a cue from her. God's Love rest securedly nestled in your arms.
May you embrace the joys of Motherhood, In Christ Jesus. %uE41D Amen

Praying4Victory | on Apr 07, 2010

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