Prayer Request

Dear God, good morning, glory to ur name! I jus wanna thank you for my blessings this week, I enjoyed the company of my family and friends and am so thankful to be working again. And as always, I am not a selfish person so I would like to send a prayer up to all who struggle, I hope they turn to u for comfort to kno as I kno that we are not given more than we can handle. I personally kno someone who needs you right now and I know you've bn working on him and he is a stubborn mule but goodness I think you maybe the only one to help him because I grow weary of him and short fused I am trying to maintain my tongue until I figure out which road to take. Well God, I am goin to kp trying to strive for the better thank you for all that u have n continue to do. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

by Londa

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