Prayer Request

Dear God,

I pray with all of my heart for all of your children, both those who have found you and those who have not.

I pray that the human race wakes up, ascends, and becomes one united force for your love and goodness.

I pray that anyone exerting power, greed, and oppression over others is taken care of according your will; particularly those who control the world's money, banking, and natural resource systems. I pray you heal their hearts. I pray they wake up and ascend.

I pray that the last become the first, according to your word and your will.

I pray you emancipate the poor and bring them peace, shelter, nutrition, education, and the opportunities they equally deserve.

I pray your work a miracle in the US presidential election and allow your will to be done.

I pray for a world wide revolution of love!

Thank you God for hearing my prayer. I love you.

by july

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