Prayer Request

Heavenly father in jesus precious name I ask that you please be with me when I vote to save our country! I also pray you be with everyone so that this election will not be the one that causes this country to fall and our constitution be gone! I pray that obama not be reelected and that if romney is elected he not fall into the new world order trap jesus I know the devil is here please stop him! I am scared of all this I've had these dreams since I was a kid please protect me jesus please save my kids all of them do not let any of us be marked especially not knowing be with family member who works to vote on the bills and laws passed she said the bills are already in affect waiting for if he is reelected! Please jesus u know I'm scared save my kids and me and my family if this is happening if not please ease my mind!! I had those dreams before I married as a kid that I would have to leave my husbands side to be saved and for my children I never understood why you wouldn't help me get him back thank you jesus I see why now. Its because of those dreams its happening! Bless the usa lord keep us a nation one nation uner God!

by anonomous

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