Dear Father
Thank you for your unbelievable, and undeniable love and grace. I humble myself before you Lord, and ask that you may continue to show me how to walk in faith and to keep the enemy away by not walking in emotion. I pray Father, that you continue to bring peace and comfort to my still broken heart, so that I might be able to completely forgive them for what they have done. That through Your grace and compassion, I can manage to let go of her in my heart and move on with my life.
Father, I know that you will mend all the pieces of my broken life, and that through the course of time my prayers for their well being and happiness will become increasingly sincere. Please Father, allow me to focus on the positives that these circumstances have brought to my life in regards to my relationship with you, instead of dwelling on the negative of having lost my beloved, beautiful wife.
To you, my Father, I pray through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.