Prayer Request

Lord, I come to you as a broken man asking for healing. I have always tried to do the right thing, although I am not perfect. No matter how much I pray for peace, there seems to be much turmoil. No matter how much I pray for health, there is much pain. No matter how much I pray for happiness, there is much sadness. No matter how much I pray for financial security, I have none. Lord, I see those around me who do so much wrong and yet they seem to be so blessed in many ways, yet are greedy for more, and more is what they get.

I try to be a very good son, friend, brother, neighbor and husband. My goodness is often looked at as weakness. I have had a very difficult childhood and now a difficult adult life. My luck has been very bad my entire life, and everything i touch goes wrong. Lord forgive me for saying this but I truly feel cursed. Lord, please do not abandon me. Please hear my prayers and if I have sinned in any way, please forgive me. Please show me a sign that you are with me. Please lift this dark cloud that hangs over my life, and my family. I feel like I can no longer go on living like this and the stress is affecting my mental health. God bless all and thank you for your prayers.

by Anonymous

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Comments on this Prayer

In Jesus name you are free, Jesus became a curse so that you could be free (Galatians 3:16) It is no longet you who lives but Christ who lives in you. You do not become righteous by what you do you are righteous because God made you that in Christ. Be free and tell the devil to go and he has to in Jesus name.

Anonymous | on Feb 10, 2012

Thank you and God bless you!

Anonymous | on Feb 10, 2012

You will be fine, everything happens for a reason I always try to remember that. I've had bad luck all my life to, and soon I will be a first time mom I am praying, god protects us, just keep asking for prayer and god will hear your hearts and others crying out to help you. I pray god gives you peace and a resting soul.

haley h | on Feb 10, 2012

You will be fine, everything happens for a reason I always try to remember that. I've had bad luck all my life to, and soon I will be a first time mom I am praying, god protects us, just keep asking for prayer and god will hear your hearts and others crying out to help you. I pray god gives you peace and a resting soul.

haley h | on Feb 10, 2012

God bless you and your family. Special blessings for the little one. Congratulations

Anonymous | on Feb 10, 2012

God loves you and you are his son. In Christ you have dominion and authority over all sickness, disease, and anything thst does not align witj God's word. Believe, nothing is impossible to those who believe. The devil is a thief and a liar, so do not allow him to do either. Trust and believe God over anything else.

Anonymous | on Feb 10, 2012

I totally understand you...May all your dark cloud, generational curse and misfortunes leave you & your family and throw it into the sea...may the lord release the gate of his financial blessings, shower you with good health and happiness..Amen...

£ß93 ~Leave No Stone Unturned~ A.V.,Cali | on Feb 10, 2012

Amen, know this. There are no generational curses because your generation goes back to Jesus Now, you are free.

Anonymous | on Feb 10, 2012

I am humbled by the replies. I asked God for a sign....

Anonymous | on Feb 10, 2012

You are blessed!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous | on Feb 10, 2012

Dear GOD,,we can trust with any question,,I have felt the same way about my life,I thank this person,for putting into words my heart too..thank-you your willing to turn things around for us ...amen.

Anonymous | on Feb 10, 2012

Another thing you do not need to ask Father for something you already have. You have the peace of God in Christ. You do not need to ask for it, you need to realize you have it. in Romans it says the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, woohoo is that not awesome the creator of universe lives in you.

Anonymous | on Feb 10, 2012

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