Prayer Request

Father I thank you for your Son Christ Jesus. Oh dear Lord work in me to be pleasing to you. Lord I know that works do not save neither can they save, yet my works is evidence of my faith in you. And I humbly pray that you would get glory in all that I do, say. Please oh God grant that all that cross my path would see and hear Christ in me. Please let me not keep quiet about your Gospel! Oh how dare I or anyone of us to call ourselves one of your children Father and not be concerned for the souls of men! Lord for any of us that has a tongue to speak, may we never take it for granted. To consider that, how so many are very much unable to speak for the cause of an infirmity. Oh and how much more of an account we must give to Christ, that we should neglect to plead to lost souls! And glorify your Name!
Have mercy on us dear Lord. In Christ name. Amen...
(Strongly suggest reading)
Richard Baxter Reformed Pastor

by His Unprofitable Servant

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

"Have you no concern for lost souls, then you are not saved yourself be sure of that!"
-Charles Spurgeon-

His Unprofitable Servant | on Jan 22, 2010

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