Prayer Request

Dear gracious father, I come to you tonight in praise my little one had tubes put in 2 weeks ago, and this weekend she turns one, healthy and ear infection free finally after a very rough year, thank you gracious god for healing her. I also bow down to you at the same time for prayer, my son is 6 and is getting bullied in school and is hitting back, please guide him lord wrap your arms around him and comfort him. ..... Myself I was hired at what I think to be a better job today, if it is your will let me have a sign that I might recognize lord, and be with me and my boyfriend as we make this journey together to become celibate together, it will be hard but we want to be right by you, and become closer to you lord, all this I ask in your name amen

by Single mommy of 2

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

I pray for the Lord to strengthen you both in staying celibate in Jesus' name, amen. Because you are honoring the Lord in your bodies, He will bless you in ways unimaginable.

In His Service | on Oct 21, 2010

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