Prayer Request

Father God, i want to thank you that behind all this gloom and doom there is a testimony coming for i know it is always darkest when it is about to rain.

Give the strength to carry on as i wait for your miraclous intervention in the direction of my life. I ask you lord that this shall be my month of victory, to the glory of your son jesus christ.
You alone are God. You are the author and finisher of our lives. I though i am down and weak i know i strong because you see me as strong . Though am down to the last penny,i know i am rich because you see me as lender not borrower. A head but not a tail.

Father , i desire to hold the hand of the wife you have prepared for me. To sleep in that house that you have blessed me with. And to work in my own bussiness, for you the lord give the power to create wealth so as to establish your convenant on earth. All good things come from you, and he who finds a good thing. I ask you lord i too will find that good thing. Amen

by Francis

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