Prayer Request

My brother in Christ, Derrick, just posted this prayer request on a Christian forum I frequent. Please pray.

"On another note my family could use all your prayers, especially my brother. His daughter was kidnapped by her mom the other day. He gets her on the weekends and well he went to go pick her up and they had moved. So he called her phone she answered and said they were moving out of state and that he and my family would never get to see the little girl again. The fam went to the police and they said there was little they could do and suggested my family get a lawyer. Please pray, my brothers name is Terrance and his daughter is Elecia. She is suspected to be in Texas. If anyone happens to see them please call the local police."

Terrance and his father are taking this pretty badly. Pray that they would be comforted at this difficult time. Also, please pray for Derrick and his son Anthony. Anthony is away all this summer, and they are really missing each other. Pray for God's blessing upon each of them. Derrick has been such a blessing to me, and it hurts to see him sad and lonely.

by Bri ([email hidden from spammers])

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