Prayer Request

Dear God
Well today was just one of those days where i slept all morning till the early afternoon..n did nothing but be lazy all afternoon. But the wierdest thing happen 2 me 2 day is that i asked a question this morning n u gave me an answer within hours..threw a dream, a sermon on the tv, and a converstaion over the seriously u never seem 2 amaze me..ur always a on time God when it's needed. Thank u God because nuthing that surrounds my world doesnt happen unless u allow it 2..rather its or bad u have a reason n a purpose 4 those things.
Lord Father help me find my way me 2 stop focusing on wats surrounds me n stay focus on u. Help me not 2 b tempted before i get tempted..give me more of u n less of me not 2 be selfish the name of Jesus..asking claiming and believeing it shall be done AMEN

by Princess of God

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