Prayers to Share
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23541. Father plz heal Alice and Joel from covid plx touch them gi... (2 prayed for this)
23542. Father plz give malissa the strength she need to work if tha... (2 prayed for this)
23543. Father bless and protect my grand kids at school and all the... (2 prayed for this)
23544. Father plz let Malissa have a good day at the Dr house plz k... (2 prayed for this)
23545. Father may we have a good bless day ๐Ÿ™ (2 prayed for this)
23546. Good money father give us a beautiful day plz let malissa ha... (2 prayed for this)
23547. Lord thank you for blessing me with another day. Lord please... (2 prayed for this)
23548. Heavenly Father,ย walk through my house and take away all wo... (2 prayed for this)
23549. Father plz destroy the hernias in my son's stomach plz heal... (2 prayed for this)
23550. Father plz heal Alice and Joel from covid plx touch them gi... (2 prayed for this)
23551. Father may we have a good bless day ๐Ÿ™ (2 prayed for this)
23552. Father bless and protect my grand kids at school and all the... (2 prayed for this)
23553. Walk with my kids and grandkids as we walk out this morning... (2 prayed for this)
23554. Good morning thank you Father for this beautiful day Put you... (2 prayed for this)
23555. Let my son have a good nite with no pain and destroy his Her... (1 prayed for this)
23556. Father plz give malissa the strength she need to work if tha... (1 prayed for this)
23557. Father plz heal Alice and Joel from covid plx touch them gi... (1 prayed for this)
23558. Father bless and protect my grand kids at school and all the... (1 prayed for this)
23559. Father plz destroy the hernias in my son's stomach plz heal... (1 prayed for this)
23560. Father plz take my sons pain from him plz heal him In Jesus... (1 prayed for this)