Prayers to Share
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20701. Father plz help my son plz give him strength and comfort he... (2 prayed for this)
20702. There's a reason why LGBTQ people have guns because... (0 prayed for this)
20703. Christians need to pray in toungs alot Cuz when you p... (1 prayed for this)
20704. Christians need to force themselves to read the bible pr... (1 prayed for this)
20705. Heavenly Father please keep my drug addict mother away from... (1 prayed for this)
20707. Father plz heal my grandson from his pain in his hands He wo... (1 prayed for this)
20708. Thank you father pour the precious blood of Jesus over my ki... (1 prayed for this)
20709. Father put your Armor around my children and grandkids prote... (1 prayed for this)
20710. Father my grandson bought a motorcycle plz put your protecti... (1 prayed for this)
20711. Father as my children and grandkids get ready to head out to... (1 prayed for this)
20712. Father plz help my son with his Ashma plz touch him now Help... (1 prayed for this)
20713. Father bless and protect my daughter every minute of the day... (1 prayed for this)
20714. Give my children and grandkids a beautiful bless day protect... (1 prayed for this)
20715. Lord thank you for blessing me with another day. Lord please... (2 prayed for this)
20716. Heavenly Father, walk through my house and take away all wo... (1 prayed for this)
20717. God, Thank you for everything you've done for me and will d... (0 prayed for this)
20718. There's a reason why LGBTQ people have guns because... (0 prayed for this)
20719. Christians need to pray in toungs alot Cuz when you p... (0 prayed for this)
20720. Christians need to force themselves to read the bible pr... (0 prayed for this)